Nestled in the trees on 29 acres in beautiful Stillwater, MN, is Jasmine Meadows, home to the St. Croix Trail Blazers. The Trail Blazers are a unique group of riders who share not only a love of horses, but also a commitment to building friendships and overcoming challenges.
Formed in 2010, the Trail Blazers became a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit in 2011. Their mission is to provide horse assisted learning, riding, training, and competitive sports opportunities to individuals with special needs in a safe learning environment through the adaptive equine experience.
Horseback riding improves balance, strength and coordination which results in increased mobility, independence and overall function. Something remarkable happens when horses touch the lives of those who have special needs. Whether the disability is physical, cognitive, emotional or behavioral, horses have an amazing ability to help improve lives. Horses are excellent teachers who live in the moment and are highly sensitive to and reflect human emotions.
For more information about our programs, please see Contact Us. We look forward to seeing you 'round the barn.

Special people needing special horses.

Create a safe, inclusive and nonjudgmental community
Achieve the highest standards of safety for our participants, staff and horses
Provide opportunities for education in the general care of the horses
Enable participants to improve their horseback riding skills to the full extent of their abilities
Participate as a delegation of Special Olympics Minnesota
Nurture a bond between the rider and horse
Create friendships and a fun atmosphere
Empower, support and strengthen the rider

6659 Jasmine Court North
Stillwater, MN 55082
​Tel: (651) 348-2786
​Email: karen@stcroixtrailblazers.org
St. Croix Trail Blazers